The VHS holds 3 meetings and a number of other events each year.
Our last meeting (also our Annual General Meeting) for the year is:
Wednesday 10th December 2014
Prahran RSL – 301 High Street – Prahran
7.15pm – 10.30pm
Anthony Stimson
From Fear To Fascination
Back in the early days snakes all over the world were marketed as dangerous and deadly animals that should be feared by all. This mentality is probably what has led to one of the most common catch phrases we still here today “the only good snake is a dead one”
Slowly but surely through education and displays we are starting to see more and more people respect these animals for what they are.
Anthony’s talk will highlight some of the great work being done today to help change the negative attitude towards snakes and also show some of the negativity still out there in our communities, giving us all something to think about when we are talking to others about our collections.